Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Favorite Worm Source

A lot of folks ask me, "Hey Joe, where's the best place to get redworms?" Well, it's nice to have my opinion so well thought of -- and to realize my role in the worm marketplace.

So here goes: My absolute favorite (besides being the most economical by far) source for red wigglers (a.k.a. redworms) is Willingham Worm Farm in Georgia.

I've been doing wormy business with Sybil Willingham (chief worm wrangler) for more than a dozen years, and Sybil has supplied worms to hundreds upon hundreds of classrooms, where said wigglers were enjoyed and studied by tens of thousands of students.

Here are the details:

Worms-$13.00 per lb.
Postage 1 lb- $8.00
2-5 lb in bulk postage $10.35

To order, said a check or money order to:

Willingham Worm Farm
74 S. Collins St.
Reynolds, GA 31076

This is a low-tech, low overhead outfit; no fancy websites, credit card orders, and the like. If you want those features, feel free to pay twice as much and order online (chances are that Sybil is still the woman providing the worms -- an industry secret I'll carry to the grave).

Please note that Sybil will not ship in a week with a postal holiday. And shipments are sent only on Mondays. Orders received by Thursday will go out on Monday.

For more information -- but NO ORDERS -- contact Sybil directly: wworm@pstel.net